Coaching Code of Conduct

Please read the Coaching Code of Conduct below. Once complete, please electronically sign and send your consent.

This document is to be signed at the start of each season (Aug 1st) or when a new coach is added or moves to a new position.

Ignite Soccer Club Coaches Code of Ethics & Conduct Agreement

During my tenure as a coach for Ignite Soccer Club I pledge to:

  1. Cooperate with all the participants involved with the activity.  This includes officials, other coaches, participants, parents, administrators and spectators.

  2. Never physically, verbally, or emotionally harm, hurt, humiliate or intimidate another participant, coach, parent, administrator or official.  Never show frustration in the presence of players, parents, officials, spectators etc.

  3. Never use profanity or language that is in poor taste.

  4. Listen to and follow directions from club administrators, officials and fellow coaches.

  5. Communicate with all participants, players, officials, coaches, parents, spectators, administrators and spectators in a friendly and reasonable manner.

  6. Respect all facilities, fields and equipment.

  7. Participate to the best of my ability and in a safe and professional manner at all times.

  8. Resolve disagreements I may have with fellow coaches or administrators in a timely, professional and respectful manner.

  9. Complete all required league paperwork and organize team practices (if applicable) that provide a safe and fun environment.  Create practices that are fun and challenging for all players.

  10. Review and provide basic first aid first aid principles if needed.  Review/complete all safety-based training and be on the look-out for signs and symptoms of injury while children are under my supervision.

  11. Be knowledgeable of league rules and communicate them to players and parents as needed.

  12. Demonstrate and require fair play and sportsmanship from your players at all times.  Lead by example by demonstrating respect and class towards your opponent at all times.

  13. Provide an environment that is free from aggressive behavior, violence, drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

  14. Place the emotional and physical well-being of players ahead of a personal desire to win.

  15. Treat each player as an individual, considering the large range of emotion and physical development for youth age groups.

  16. Be open to new players and be loyal to dedicated and returning players.

  17. Attempt to identify team players on your team; those players who are good teammates, who support other players, who are unselfish and treat other players and people with respect.

  18. Communicate regularly and honestly with players and their parents regarding a player’s skill development and emotional maturity in the context of competitive play.

  19. Use only coaching techniques appropriate for the skill level and level of league competitiveness.

  20. Remember that I am a youth sports coach, and the game is for children and not adults.

If I cannot participate according to this Code of Conduct and/or league rules, then depending on the seriousness of the offences(s), I understand that any, or all, of the following disciplinary actions may occur and shall be at the sole discretion of Ignite Soccer Club Board of Directors.

  • Verbal warning and written documentation

  • Immediate removal from activity including the facility

  • Suspension from participation and facility access

  • Expulsion from participation and facility access